Friday, June 13, 2008

I Thought You Were Cancelled

Before I say anything else I just wanted to mention that I did not forget yesterday's post. I decided to postpone the post until this morning so that I could finish the Starcraft Ghost novel.

When I saw the Starcraft Ghost novel I was pretty surprised, mainly due to the fact that I thought Starcraft Ghost had gone the way of Duke Nukem Forever (although considering Duke Nukem Forever is supposedly still coming out then perhaps that's not incorrect to say), but there it was. The novel doesn't reveal anything about the game, though there is a nice foreword that mentions that it's still being developed. Instead the book focuses on when Nova (the protagonist) first learns she has the psychic powers necessary for the ghost program. It starts off a little shaky, but the book gets a lot better and the author does a great job of creating Nova as a character, managing to differentiate her from Sarah Kerrigan quite a bit (which is hard when they're both psychic women who lose everything they ever cared about), which bodes very well for the game, assuming it ever comes out. My only concern is that certain events force Nova to forget this great past, and I sincerely hope that they somehow bring it back into play in the video game, because it could be very troubling to just ignore such a nicely prepared background.

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