Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One More Time

Welcome to the new site, as you may have noticed it looks quite a bit like the old one. Unfortunately my old site was linked to my school e-mail address, and as I am going to lose that account in a few months I was forced to create a whole new site.

For those new to my site, welcome! Here you'll find discussion on whatever is on my mind, though it will generally have an entertainment/narrative focus.

When I wrote my last post I had hoped to be able to post regularly, and while there was little in the way of time constraints to keep me from doing so, I was unable to accomplish my mission. The reason, plain and simple, is that I had little to talk about.

Ever since I returned home I have been dealing with finalizing all of the bills from my rental apartment, getting set-up here, and deciding what the heck I want to do with myself for the rest of my life.

I have never wanted this site to be something akin to livjournal; my problems are my problems plain and simple.

I hope to have something better up tomorrow, though I guarantee nothing due to a Timber's game with nearly everybody I know attending. Whether I post tomorrow or not, there will be a new, content filled post by the end of Thursday.

In the meantime, those of you with some free time should go check out my good friend's role-playing site: WAR: Tides of Ichor.