Wednesday, February 3, 2010


In preparation for the future I am going to explain how reviews work on this site. Reviews will be based under a letter based system (A, B, C, D, and F) with each of the letters having the following meanings:

A - I cannot recommend what I am reviewing enough. (This rating will be reserved for only the best of the best)

B - I recommend this highly. (For products that are of superb-quality, but aren't perfect as A requires)

C - I recommend this. (It's good, but not a must-have)

D - I don't recommend this. (It is bad, you may enjoy it more than me, but it's unlikely)

F - This is trash (Only look at this if you like wasting money on terrible things)

In addition at the end of the year I will gather all of the A reviews under their respective categories (movies, games, television shows, etc...) and choose the absolute best for that year in that category to be upgraded to an S.

These letters will be assigned independently from the review itself, which will follow this format.

Name -
Product Type -
Very Quick Description - (I'll provide links for places to learn more)
Likes -
Dislikes -
Final Thoughts -
Letter Grade -

The review will consist mainly of my personal thoughts and feelings towards the product, with very little discussion on the technical aspects, unless they really impressed or distressed me. Basically, my review will tell you if I liked it, and why I did, or didn't. The most important thing to realize about my reviews is that the letter grade received has little to do with the review itself. If I dislike a product due to personal tastes I will tell you so in the review, but this will not be reflected in the letter grade. I am not going to be nice when giving out these grades, and if you think that most items are going to receive a B then you are in for a big surprise.

As a final note, my reviews are not solid, immutable things. If someone can convince to change something (such as the letter grade) in my review I will add an edit to the review and re-post it. Please feel free to leave a comment if you agree and especially if you disagree with me.