Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Why Can I Never Write These During The Day?

Back from my break and boy do I feel rested and relaxed, and by that I mean I feel stressed about my test for tomorrow and I'm writing this post at one o'clock in the morning. In all seriousness, this break did me a world of good. The break relaxed and recharged me, and I got a lot of good advice and ideas for my future. However, one thing I noticed over the break, which was especially apparent at the Chuck panel at Paley Fest (more on that tomorrow), was how foreign gaming culture and it's references are to most people. I've been thinking a lot about this idea lately, so expect a few more posts in the next couple of days.

Until tomorrow, good night.


Anonymous said...

Ok, this is Tracy again. I was reading some of your older posts, and decided not to read this blog anymore. And why? Because its too fucking depressing.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you talk a lot of shit. You talk about being so "tough" and not wanting to have any "weaknesses." But I read that entry where you were writing about "sizing up girls" and how you're "too willing to commit." And there you were. Writing a whiny, emo entry. I'm surprised at you, because of the way you present yourself. Look at what you wrote. You're complaining! In a whiny "Ohhh, its so hard for someone my age to find a decent girl who's willing to commit....Woe is me!!!! Woe betide me!!!!" I write quite a few whiny entries myself, because thats what blogs do. They bring out the wussie in you. But still. If you're going to "talk the talk" you better "walk the walk."

Cory said...

Perfect. One of the major reasons I made this site was to track my thinking. To see how I could improve myself more. Though I do have to say I end up writing a surprisingly large number of emo posts when I'm not feeling particularly depressed at all. Perhaps it has something to do with the song I keep listening to when I'm writing, or that I write at 12-1 AM which is "feel sorry for myself" time. Anyways, thanks for pointing that out to me

Wyobar54 said...

Good response to Tracy... her comments would have had more value if she did what she ordered you to do.

Wyobar54 said...

Plus... who said men couldn't have emotions... not you.