Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I Need My Next Fix

This article saddens me, especially coming from the stereotypically less-PC Australia. I'm going to say this here and now, boys need aggressive physical activity and they need competition. Giving boys outlets for this need is very important (as it keeps them from acting out elsewhere), but so is allowing their entertainment to contain these qualities (not always of course) as well.

In unrelated news I really want to get a new game and it kind of frightens me. See, it's not like I don't have games to play, and I even have games that I haven't beaten. No, I just really want to buy a new game, for no real reason. Like an addiction. Am I becoming addicted to buying video games?

Or it could just be that I really want to play Mass Effect and Metal Gear Solid 4.


Tracy Hurzeler said...

Cory, will you stop testing me and just ask my opinion outright instead of trying to drag it out of me through passive-aggressive means?

You had about 10 opportunities to talk about the ignorance behind GTAiv, and yet you do it after I made it clear I still read your journal. You're such a head-trip.

Your article's not opening, and maybe I'll miss something vital, but let me say this: I'm not for depriving hyper-active kids from physical activities, even aggressive ones.(and you know I'm no stranger to aggression.) But honestly. The kids that break windows? The kids that beat up other kids? They're going to do it anyway. They don't do it to "look cool" They don't do it for peer pressure. They do it because they want to do it, because they're angry, they want to destroy everything.. I know because I was one of those kids. Last time I checked, I also wasn't a boy.

Cory said...

Let me just say this: nothing on this site is an attempt to drag people put into any form of discussion. I enjoy discussion greatly, but everything I write is just for the purpose of me writing it down.

I disagree with you on your statement however, that the boys who break windows do so just because they're angry. I never said that they do it to look cool, all I said is that if kids don't get these aggressive physical outlets, especially boys, then they are far more likely to act out in the ways you mentioned. For the stuff you mentioned, I would say that there is a much deeper problem at root.

Really I needed something to write about and I happened to find this article. Rather than carefully reading, researching, and thinking about the article I just started shooting from the hip here.

Tracy Hurzeler said...


Yes, there were deeper problems at root. I wasn't proud of anything I did.

"Especially boys" pah! Oh well. I think you need a little more faith in humanity(a bit ironic, coming from me.) I think there are many ways to let off steam. Some children don't like so much physical activity(although all children should get a fair amount.) Theres always art, reading, writing, video games etc.