Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shift In Focus

While I've had fun with this blog in its current format it is time for me to change. Simply discussing what interests me at the moment often leaves me with no ideas. Add in the fact that new games are often the fire that lights my posting fuse and you can see that while I have no job, a broken PS3, and am facing the scariest job market of my life it's unlikely that I'll be able to post regularly for quite some time.

To rectify all of these problems I am switching the focus of this blog towards explaining video games to a non-gaming audience. I will be explaining terminology, trends, everything. For those of you who are familiar with gaming I apologize, as I will be treading over a lot of familiar ground for quite some time. Rest assured, however, that eventually I intend to return to discussing new games and such, though it will be written for my new audience.

Hopefully I'll be able to have the first post up by tomorrow late-night, but I can only promise that there will be a post before Tuesday 12:01 A.M.

Here's to new beginnings!

Update: Switched Monday to Tuesday because this weekend was ridiculous and I can barely keep my eyes open long enough to finish this post.

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